Outlining vs. Plotting

Take Off Your Pants!: Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing

I bought this book last week and I wanted to share it with anyone who may stumble across my blog. I've read several books on writing and storytelling. Sometimes those books or articles will set me off with several writing ideas that I can't wait to jump on. These instructional writings usually offer fun tools that I haven't thought of or another way of looking at fiction that was new to me. 

This books is very short at around 90 kindle pages. The author does support herself with the sales of her fiction. You can find her website here

I'd recommend picking this book up because I found it to be helpful, inspirational, and it had useful tools for writing fiction. I'm looking forward to the second edition that the author mentions on her site.

One criticism is that the author references another writing book on which she seems to have relied pretty heavily. This point deserves a pass though because the author is very concise and the book is cheaper than the other book that is mentioned. I think that the author includes enough of her own material to justify the creation of this manual too.

If you read it let me know what you think. 
